Christian Hamlet, Achtsamkeit, acrylic, $200
Christian Hamlet
Palma School
I like the tone and direction that German Expressionism takes. It’s a very different style that I have seen compared to other art forms. German Expressionism, as the name suggests, lets a person express their thoughts and ideas through art in a different manner than a typical art style and I like that. I would even go as far as to say that German Expressionism lets us tap into our anomalous, aberrant, irregular, deviant, unnatural, and odd side of what we view the world as. I tried to achieve a very colorful and almost twisted look. What I really accomplished in all honesty was having fun doing this piece. I chose this because one, I’m German, and two because I just really like the art style. I wanted to go for a very European look with houses big and small, with diamond looking rocks and a man enjoying a nice walk outside. I chose the colors of the painting with the intention of giving it life.