Eye Don't Belong Here, clay
Lyndsey Llantero
Pacific Grove High School | Junior
My name is Lyndsey Llantero. I mainly work with sculptures, and more specifically clay. I have always been intrigued by the arts and often choose to express myself through music, dancing, and crafts. My childhood was largely focused on team sports, and continuing my participation in athletics is one of my primary goals for the future. These past two years, I can really see how much my art pieces have improved, both in detail and creativity. Art has brought me a new form of joy and peace that I would love to carry with me into the future.
The piece that I am presenting is by far the largest and most complex piece I have created. For a while, my alternate music tastes, favorite pastimes, and unique fashion sense haven’t always aligned with the preferences of my friends and family. When I would get excited about new songs, cool sweatshirts, or a funny video, they don’t tend to reciprocate my excitement and I have received hurtful and critical comments telling me my likes and interests are a waste of time. I struggle with knowing that I don't fully belong, especially in the small and constricting town that has prevented me from becoming my true self. I grew up a shy, Asian/Latino girl in a predominantly white school, and always felt like I needed to fit in. The pressure to conform resulted in my loss of interest to express art and unique things. This year has allowed me to return my unique interests and love for art since I am no longer surrounded by the judgement of my peers. The piece I created, “Eye Do Not Belong Here,” is my way of expressing my weird and unique interests that I enjoy and putting my true personality on display.