Shelly Chen, Mountains, acrylic, $250 SOLD
Shelly Chen
Youth Arts Collective
I traveled a lot growing up, visiting many nations and seeing various landscapes and sceneries with distinct features. Four years ago, I decided to study abroad in the U.S. and attend York School in Monterey, a place where beauty of nature can be found everywhere.
I have been trying to record my visual experiences through painting landscapes. I studied Chinese traditional painting in China and tried other media such as acrylic and watercolor in high school. All those artistic skills help me to further appreciate and capture my love of nature.
I go to Carmel beach often, and I'd notice how earth and water present different color palettes each time I visit depending on weather and the time of the day. My favorite sightseeing moment is the sunset when there is a dramatic contrast between light and dark and everything appears to be glowing. Therefore, I painted this piece out of imagination, portraying a peaceful image with colorful mountain ranges and waters.