Recordar Es Vivir, acrylic, tissue paper, cottons, glue, artificial flowers, eyelashes and butterfly
Marlenne Melgoza-Gomez
North Monterey County High School | Junior
Art reminds me of “freedom” because no barriers exist when creating art, just progression. Art is a tool to express beliefs, culture, traditions, thoughts and creative abilities.
My piece for exhibition, For Love of Art, tells the story of how losing a loved one can be embraced and honored through culture. The woman in the Nopales field depicted in this artwork is a Catrina. Her spirit remains alive, but feels sad and empty, something was missing after she endured the passing of a loved one. Wandering, she spotted a white butterfly that stood out, it was different. As she approached her eyes closed and a sense of peace and relief came over her. Left in awe, she was reminded of her cultural roots and the importance of remembering one’s ancestors. She remembered her elders who stated, “loved ones are never gone, they just embody a different form of life.”
I am the woman in the fields of nopales my grandfather planted. My grandfather’s passing drastically affected me. However, through this loss I learned about my cultural heritage and belief in the afterlife. Our loved ones are reborn into other forms of life and remain with us, spiritually. We believe a butterfly around our home is his way of communicating. His spiritual visits remind us of our roots and that he continues to live. The fields of nopales, is a reminder of his love. Understanding my culture gives me strength and helps me heal. “La Cultura Cura.”
I hope sharing my culture will provide emotional support if you lost a loved one during this pandemic. Look for signs your loved ones send — they are there, look closer. They are gone physically; spiritually they live on. Remember the love they gave you and let your heart be filled with warmth like mine.