Myriam Valdez Alvarez, Focus, photography, paper, $250
Myriam Valdez Alvarez
Everett Alvarez High School
My name is Myriam Valdez. I go to Everett Alvarez High School. My art piece was inspired by Marcelo & Fernando Bengoechea photo weaving art, specifically Marcelo's "Woven Together: Reflections" series. Marcelo keeps his brother Fernando’s past art alive even after his passing, which just proves that art is worth more than it might seem to be. To Marcelo, art is a way to keep his connection to his brother and revive his legacy. To me, photography has been the way I share experiences that mean something. One of my pictures can say more in feelings than my words would otherwise explain. I've always favored looking at a photo and having it left up to my interpretation to figure out what it means or makes me feel and think of rather than having it told to me straight out.
I currently create my work with sports photography. That is the most available subject matter to me in high school. I chose to use this theme for my weaving. The picture represents focus within the sport of volleyball, a focus found in any sport. So many athletes face mental blocks or doubts in moments before a serve or a match. They must let go of their worries and focus on their participation.
Photo weaving is made through two exact prints of one picture, one cut into vertical strips, and the other into horizontal ones. I weave together the strips to match up with the original picture. Photo weaving is a time-consuming art form. I spaced out my work on this canvas through a couple of days, so as not to get too burnt out. I ended up finding this project fun however, as I was able to see a picture that I took become even more artistic and structured in a unique way.