Jose Montes, Age, acrylic, $110
Jose Montes
Palma High School
When working on this painting, I was quick to add detail and show the shadow and life of the building. It was a building I saw when going to Belgium and meeting a friend. My teacher told me that it would be too hard or complicated, I ignored it thinking that it wouldn’t be that bad. It was seemingly a simple painting really, just a tower with cloudy skies and a little brother of a building on the bottom left. I used muddy browns, swampy green and a muddled red.
As I worked on this painting, I slowly became more drained working on it. It became a drag-with me losing interest in it real quick. I usually do digital art which allows me to do quality of life things that allow the arting of art to be less painful than it is. Mixing the colors over and over and painting on wood rather than canvas I don’t already have much experience in. I didn’t finish it before my Christmas break, and I dreaded working on it during said break. I was worried that I wasn’t going to get it done on time, and it didn’t feel right to work on.
Working on it made me realize something, something that laid beyond the painting itself. The process, my feelings, the time it took, and the uneven details. It reminded me of life, the fact that I always don’t get the start that some could want, having a prime example of a painting. The deteriorating details over time and the feeling behind it…it’s why it’s called age, why there’s more life in certain areas than in others before just being a hollow portrayal of what it’s supposed to be before ending in the skeleton of the painting, where we all will end up as.