Tears, acrylic

Tears, acrylic

Anayeli Lezama Lopez

North Monterey County High School | Senior


My name is Anayeli and I have been an art fan since forever, art is an amazing way to ‘write down' things we can't explain. Now that I have gained more knowledge about art styles, the history of art, important artists, I respect artists a lot more, they do an amazing job, and it's definitely not easy. As an artist I consider myself and try to put my best on every art work I do, I try to do them to have a meaning. My goals for the future are to improve my art skills and create artworks that represent me.

As an artist my favorite materials to use are pencils, watercolor, because as a new artist it's hard to go with paintings that cannot be erased. But I also go for these materials because I feel comfortable working with them, since I like to focus on working with portraits, expressive themes that can have and include some details.

In the piece I turned in I challenged myself again by using acrylic paint, it was challenging because acrylic is not my favorite material to work with.

The portrait I painted, is not of someone specifically, and what I am trying to express is the feeling of what we are going through during these difficult times. We all have been affected in some ways, positively or negatively, but more in a negative way. Some of the feelings I´m trying to show are depression, anxiety, stress, fear, loss and anger. All these feelings cause tears. The other detail is that in the background I try to paint it to look like a wood, because I think this situation that we all are going through marks us all. Painting an art in wood would stay forever, just like this situation in the pandemic.


Alissa Garcia


Arianna Kozloski