Portrait of a Legend, acrylic
Arianna Kozloski
Stevenson School | Senior
My name is Ari Kozloski. I’m a senior at Stevenson School in Pebble Beach and grew up exploring the Monterey area. I started drawing when I was still in single digits, and it didn’t take long for my birthday wishlists to shift from rollerskates to art supplies. Outside of art, I never felt really talented at anything—I blundered my way through every sport I attempted and the only song I left my year of flute classes with a decent mastery of was “Hot Cross Buns;” however, drawing has always been a place where I feel myself. Throughout my highschool career, I’ve taken six art classes including 2D Art, Making Movies, Digital Art, Photography, and Ceramics. It’s not that art is always easy or satisfying; in fact, for every piece I love I can think of two I’d like to burn. But it’s the most difficult pieces that have taught me to cultivate a balance between attention to detail and acceptance of the fact that things don’t always go as planned, which has helped me grow as an artist and person.