Portrait of a Legend, acrylic

Portrait of a Legend, acrylic

Arianna Kozloski

Stevenson School | Senior


My name is Ari Kozloski. I’m a senior at Stevenson School in Pebble Beach and grew up exploring the Monterey area. I started drawing when I was still in single digits, and it didn’t take long for my birthday wishlists to shift from rollerskates to art supplies. Outside of art, I never felt really talented at anything—I blundered my way through every sport I attempted and the only song I left my year of flute classes with a decent mastery of was “Hot Cross Buns;” however, drawing has always been a place where I feel myself. Throughout my highschool career, I’ve taken six art classes including 2D Art, Making Movies, Digital Art, Photography, and Ceramics. It’s not that art is always easy or satisfying; in fact, for every piece I love I can think of two I’d like to burn. But it’s the most difficult pieces that have taught me to cultivate a balance between attention to detail and acceptance of the fact that things don’t always go as planned, which has helped me grow as an artist and person.


Anayeli Lezama Lopez


Ashley Lagudas