Suffocating, acrylic

Suffocating, acrylic

Cindy Mendoza Tamayo

Greenfield High School | Senior


Hi, my name is Cindy Mendoza Tamayo and I love to paint, draw, put in the little details to really show everything, I think being able to show the small details gives much more meaning to the piece of art. One of the main reasons why I want to paint is so I can be able to show emotions and feelings that others are feeling as well. To show others that the way they’re feeling is okay, and others are feeling like that too.

The materials I prefer to work with are acrylic paint, because I find other media sloppier and messier. Acrylic paint dries faster and is better quality, in my opinion. The main theme I am trying to represent in my artwork is the truth. For example, everyone says they are okay, but most are definitely not; as well as problems that most people overlook in our daily lives.

The work I am doing right now is to put in depth with pure drawings, and to demonstrate a deep emotion. This art piece is very significant to me especially because lately it shows how I’ve been feeling in a way. The girl in the drawing from the outside looks normal like nothing is wrong. But if you look closely it’s meant to represent how deep down, she is screaming for help and has the sorrow of the entire ocean within her. Additionally, the anchor at the very bottom of the ocean is wrapping around her which is the orange line representing how she is the only person weighing herself down. With this work I am hoping to perhaps reach out to at least one person, so they see they aren’t alone.


Calliope Kerr


CJ Hunt