Valeria Murillo, La Virgen de Guadalupe, acrylic paint, paint pens, ball point pens, and graphite, $165
Valeria Murillo
Rancho San Juan High School
Throughout my artistic diversion, I have used art as an outlet to help escape from reality as well as a way to express myself when my words couldn't. While quarantined in 2022, I would watch tutorials on how to draw my favorite cartoon characters or how to use my imagination to bring my pieces to life; but as I got older I started to experiment with different art styles and finally found one that I fancied the most.
Since I did not have access to a lot of different mediums/ materials at home during quarantine, I practiced a lot with graphite and ball point pens. With these materials, I am capable of creating an emotion with just the shading. I enjoy watching my art come together with time, as I let my wrists relax and let my hands do all of the work for me.
I decided to create this piece of La Virgen de Guadalupe because I wanted to showcase her to the audience as a representation of my culture. My mother has a portrait of La Virgen hanging on her wall that we would both pray to before going to sleep after an exhausting day. I also wear a gold chain with a square pendant of her, to remind me that I am protected at all times and she is by my side no matter where I go.